Born Again Christian + Born Again Tokong = ? 8 Oktober 2012
Nampaknya LGE naik angin dengan laporan Utusan yang mengatakan usaha untuk mempolitikkan gereja demi kepentingan politik. Bukan benda baru. Benda lama. Tapi LGE sengaja tak mahu terkantoi bahawa dia sememangnya menghajatkan UNDI KRISTIAN akan kekal dengan DAP dalam PRU yang akan datang.Semangat LGE ini bukan semangat dia seorang. Anwar juga menggunakan kaedah dan modus operandi sama. Beberapa nama besar di kalangan masyarakat Kristian di Malaysia sememangnya ada di dalam PKR.Baru Bian, Sarawak adalah antara penggerak kepada usaha KRISTIANISASI besar-besaran di pedalaman Sarawak. Ini semua orang tahu. Baru Bian memang mahu ambil advantage dengan suasana politik Sarawak bagi membawa agenda Kristian. Apa dia terma Born Again Christian ini?The phrase “born again” is used by people of all religious denominations and all religions, as well as by people who profess no organized religious faith. In general terms, its most frequent meanings are to “begin a new life” and to “renew one’s commitment to one’s previously held values and beliefs.”In many ways, these two definitions seem contradictory. The phrase “born again” has been in use within Christianity since the earliest days of the religion. The phrase is found in the New Testament in a passage describing a conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus (John 3:1-5): “Jesus answered him, ‘Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born again… Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.’” (New Revised Standard Version)Traditionally, Jesus’s reference to being “born of water” has been interpreted as baptism and being born of Spirit has been interpreted as receiving the “Holy Spirit” (“Holy Ghost”, to use the term from the King James Version of the Bible). However, the precise meanings of the phrases “born again” and “born of water and Spirit” as used in this passage are not agreed upon across (and sometimes even within) various Christian denominations.Even within the Evangelical movement there is much difference of opinion about this subject, and there is much disagreement about whether certain famous individuals should properly be identified as “Born Again.” When used as the sole identifier for a person’s religious faith or religious affiliation, the phrase “born again” (or “born-again”) is most frequently encountered in reference to “born again Christians,” i.e., people who claim a certain types of religious experience.The phrase is usually used within the Evangelical Christian movement, a Protestant movement that began in the United States in the 1920s and 1930s. Many of the meanings that contemporary Evangelicals attach to the phrase “born again Christian” have little or no precedent prior to the 1930s. Also, until about 1960, it was rare for any person to identify themselves solely as a “born-again Christian.”Prior to that time, Christians would typically identify themselves in some cases simply as a “Christian” or in other settings by identifying the denomination to which they belonged. If they had experienced some kind of conversion, rejuvenating, or powerful spiritual experience, they might describe this in a testimony or explanation of their faith, but they would not use this as a basis for a personal label or classification.LGE perlu tampilkan dirinya sebagai BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN bagi mendapatkan undi kalangan penganut Kristian di kawasan urban. Kawasan bandar. Inilah juga yang memberikan kemenangan besar kepada DAP dalam PRU yang lalu.Strategi sama dapat dijayakan dengan baik di Sarawak. Urban seats – didominasi oleh kalangan penganut Kristian DAP atau PKR. Mungkin sudah sampai masanya, kita tanya kepada PAS, apa pandangan dengan STRATEGI menarik pengundi Kristian ini?Nampaknya PAS juga sudah main ‘game’ yang sama. Masuk gereja. Mencari undi di kalangan penganut Kristian. Apa Karakter Born Again Christian? Arrogance, naivety, self-importance, false humility and denial. Sah memang kena dengan Guan Eng.Born Again Christian + Born Again Tokong = Born Again DICTATOR!
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